Start of the day blessings and confessions
The new puritans.
The Puritans that first came to our nation were those that wanted to purify the Church of England. They had a passion for truth and were willing to defend the truth and eventually hd to come to America to establish what they believed was the truth of scripture. The new puritans are not at all believers in God, they in fact are very much ruled by an antichrist spirit. Every position they take, every policy they support and even their actions take on a religious zealousness, like a religious jihad against anyone who dares to cross them, disagree or even challenge their beliefs. In fact this new Marxist ideologies are more like a religious fever than a political philosophy. Social codes are changing, but for those whose behavior doesn’t adapt fast enough to the new norms, judgment can be swift—and merciless. During the 1940s, Stalinism In Europe found that much of the political conformism of the early Communist period was the result not of violence or direct state coercion, but rather of intense peer pressure. Even without a clear risk to their life, people felt obliged—not just for the sake of their career but for their children, their friends, their spouse—to repeat slogans that they didn’t believe, or to perform acts of public obeisance to a political party they privately scorned
Hester Prynne was the character in the book The scarlet letter. She was accused of adultery, had a child out of wedlock. She was forced to wear a big scarlet A on her dress and had to live outside of town as a castaway, uwanted and looked down on.
This is what we see now by the new puritans, a forced agreement, repeating Slogans, going along to stay revelant . Anyone that disagrees and challenges the ideologies are immediately attacked, canceled, ostracized and vilified as ignorant, racist and considered a “sinner” by their worldly standards. They force the wearing of the Scarlet letter on every social media site, every job until no one will have anything to do them again. This is the new puritans religious attacks in the public square. Marxism is the new religion of the left and it is as a zealot they will defend their turf. The state has become their god and to them that is all that matters. The father of Hester’s baby never came forward to defend her, just as is this now fear controls. The father was the local preacher.
So what can we do to combat this movement of wickedness. First error is hard to defend this is why the violence, anger and groupthink and mob rule. The longer an error or lie goes unchallenged the more it appears to be truth.
This is why we must confront every error, every point of wickedness and challenge these ideologies with the truth immediately. We must have ourselves firmly planted in Christ, filled with the Holy Spirit and walk in the wisdom of God.
Mordecai confronted the arrogance and wickedness of Haman and changed the culture. This is the what we must do. We must hold schools boards and local officials accountable to the constitution and demand visibility. We must not tolerate “closed door” meetings, bad decisions, tyrannical attitudes and overspending of tax money. We must pray for a grass roots movement to take hold and win the ground battles on the local levels first. In our life time we may have more corrupt politicians than many of us have ever seen. We elected these people as our representatives in government to defend our liberties and support the constitution, not to get rich taking bribes, building their own kingdoms and ignoring rights of Americans as guaranteed by the constitution.
Churches must again engage in exposing darkness and bring in the light
Of Christ. Above all things we must learn the disciple of prayer, fasting and giving. We can change this, but is will take all of us. The longer you wait to get involved the deeper hold wickedness, error and peer
pressure grows. Pray, fast and give. Pray foe the right godly people to move into their assignments. Fast to hear clearly and speak the truth of what you hear. Give to the right places and right candidates. Get engaged. Never flinch
CONTEND, O Lord, with those who contend with me; fight against those who fight against me!”
Psalm 35:1